Letra de Party Boy de Alanis Morissette

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Letra de Party Boy de Alanis Morissette

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

You're love ain't enough-OW!
You're just a party party party boy yeah
oh baby
You're just a party party party boy!

From the moment I walked into your life
I knew right then it was a serious
thing 4U

I got a kick out of your party friends
After a while I found a holiday, overdue
Who completely away from you
Oh baby your love ain't enough-OW!

Party Boy You're just a party boy
Ain't no time for sleepin' cause you're misbehavin'
Party Boy You're just a party boy
Wake up soon and open your eyes
the time has come to see the light

It took me long enough to realize
That all you give me is a really big broken heart
And I remember how it used to be
There was a time when we could never be
torn apart and now I wish that we could make a start
You know I gave you all my love-OW!


This world of yours turning upside down
Goin' up and down like a merry-go-round
A rumor goin' on right across the town
Why can't you see it?

I gave you love like you never knew
And you're givin' me nothing but an attitude
And now I'm gonna give a bit of solitude
I'll miss you baby oh...
Misbehavin'-now I'll mis ya

Ow! Your just a party party party boy
yeah oh baby
You're just a party party party boy!
I've got to say to you so you listen
Hey Boy A-Good Bye!



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