Letra de Plastic de Alanis Morissette

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Letra de Plastic de Alanis Morissette

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

You got a plastic name and a plastic heart
You can play the game or you'll never start
I'm talkin' to you
You got a plastic house and a plastic fence
Gotta look around or you'll lose your friends
Am I gettin' through?

You got a plastic girl in a plastic bed
And she's in your house made of gingerbread
And you're in there too
Got a plastic smile on a plastic face
But it's underneath that you can't erase
But what can you do-do-do?

Say Love-it's not that hard after all
(tell me what I want, what I wanna hear)
When everybody does
Say Love-it's gonna tear down the walls
(tell me what I want, what I wanna hear)
if everybody loves

You live in a plastic dream through a plastic card
But reality you don't disregard
You know that it's true
You got a plastic goal in a plastic life
Gotta search your soul gotta make it right
And here's what you do-do-do


Wake up in the morin'
Some are not sleepin' tight
A matter you've been ignorin'
Why can't you just say it?
Will not wait forever
Can't you see I'm right
I want you to endeavor
To tell me again and again!



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