Letra de Gotta Love It de Aerosmith

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Letra de Gotta Love It de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Miercoles, 1 Noviembre 2006


1 Votos

Any way you can feel it
You shouldnt try to conceal it baby
You got to make up your mind

Any way I can steal it
Any way you can deal it to me
You know the pleasures all mine

You gotta love it
You better own it
You gotta love it
And God knows it
You gotta shu uh shove it
Im gonna make things happen
Goin roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn thats right

I wanna say youre a fire cracker
I wanna say youre a switch blade knife
You make your sex a career

Comin down from an all night tripper
Pull your foot from the ruby slipper
cause you cant get there from here

You gotta love it
You better own it
You gotta love it
And God knows it
You gotta shu uh shove it
Im gonna make things happen
Goin roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn

I got this feeling deep inside my gut
Overwhelming feeling of I know not what
One things for sure I aint got time for those who cant relate

You gotta learn to love the midnight madness
You gotta revel in the good and badness
If ying on yang is your thing

What I gotta do to try and reach ya
Is it for real or just a double feature (fee cha)
So lets go throw the I ching

You gotta love it
You wanna own it
You gotta love it
And God knows it
You gotta shu uh shove it
You gotta make things happen
Goin roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn,
Roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn, roundn


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