Letra de Simoriah de Aerosmith

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Letra de Simoriah de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Walkin' the line of a razors edge
Take it as far as it goes
Slice of the sky on a silver wedge
Higher and higher we go - let's go

Ladies in black put a spell on me
Feels like my head's goin'
Round & round & round & upside down
Ladies in white ain't my cup of tea
So be it, I need it, long legs, big eyes
Oh, she drives me crazy

Ooh, Simoriah
Ooh, Simoriah

Countin' the eyes of the dragonfly
Callin' on dreams from within
She knows the way and she makes me high
So be it, I need it, long hair, blue eyes
Oh, she drives me crazy

(Repeat Chorus)


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