Letra de The Grind de Aerosmith

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Letra de The Grind de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Miercoles, 1 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

I never thought a first time love would ever last
How could a kiss like that knock me flat on my ass

Heh hea...

The burning bed
The roses dead
And now I'm dancing with myself

Yeah... I'm missing you
Just like you want me to
You made me trip into the grind
Now I can't get'choo off of my mind

Yeah... your sweet talking hip shaking wobble gonna blow a man away
Kiss butt... and guess what
Even double crossin' dogs have their day... hea ha
So forget about... regret about... you're right I ain't afraid to say

Yeah... I'm missing you
Just like you want me to
You made me trip into the grind
Now I can't get'choo off

And you know I tried
Leads to the same old lie
You made me slip into the grind
Now I can't get'choo off of the cloud we was on
And now it's all gone
Tell me why... why... why... why...
Why ain't I getting thorugh
Ain't no lie there out of love... love... love

Tell me was it good... for you

Tell me what'choo want

Yeah... cause I'm missing you
Just like you know I do
You made me trip into the grind
Now I can't get'choo off...
And you know I tried
Leads to the same old why
You made me trip into the grind
Now I can't... can't... can't get you...
Get you...
Get you...
Get you...
Get you...
Get you...
Get you ...
Get you...

Off of my mind...


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