Letra de Nine Lives de Aerosmith

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Letra de Nine Lives de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Miercoles, 1 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Well well well
I feel just like Im fallin in love
Theres a new cool
Some kind of verbooty
That fits me like a velvet glove

And its cool
Ooh babu dooby
Shes talkinto me juba to jive
Yeah, the girls in love
No doubt about it
The moment of truth has arrived

And in a wink
The funk was all around me
And I think
Im dead in love again

Nine lives - feelinlucky
Nine lives - live again
Nine lives - it aint over
Nine lives - live for ten

I got good luck
In certain situations
Im feelin like I hung the moon
And then at times
Im so weak from lovin
I couldnt even carry a tune

But now Im back
Oh yes I am
I maybe fall apart at the seams
I had a nightmare
Believe me when I tell you
Nobody ever dies in their dreams

I think, I need a stay of execution
In a wink, Im dead in love again

Nine lives - puss & booty
Nine lives - live again
Nine lives - it aint over
Nine lives - live for ten

Well well well
Engine room to bombardier
Is this a dream
I died and went to heaven
Shes enough to make you
Cry in your beer

How can a good thing
7 come 11
Slip into a fare thee well
And how can one mans
Little bit o heaven
Turn into another mans hell

I think I need a stay of execution
In a wink, Im dead in love again

Nine lives - hello lucky
Nine lives - live again
Nine lives - it aint over
Nine lives - live for ten

Nine lives - takin over
Nine lives - live again
Nine lives - it aint over
Nine lives - try for ten

Nine lives - hello lucky
Nine lives - live again
Nine lives - it aint over
Nine lives - live for ten


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