Letra de All Screwed Up de Ac Dc

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Letra de All Screwed Up de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

You think your kinda tough
You're walkin' kinda rough
When you want any more
You go fast wo' wo' wo'
Things go tough
And you strut your stuff
And I want your thing
Then you're out of luck
Yes you are

It's all screwed up
All screwed up
It's all screwed up
All screwed up

Take you out to kick some butt
Work you over screw you nuts
And when you can't take no more
Then she push you out that door
Things go hard
Like a dog gone mad
She can pack some punch
Then you're out to lunch, back at one

It's all screwed up
All screwed up
It's all screwed up
All screwed up

It's all screwed up
It's all screwed up
Cant' tell...
All screwed up

It's all screwed up
All screwed up
It's all screwed up
All screwed up
It's all screwed up, yes it is
All screwed up
It's all screwed up
All screwed up
Screwed up
It's all screwed up
It's all screwed up

It's all screwed up
It's all screwed up
It's all screwed up
All screwed up
It's all screwed up, yeah


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