Letra de Come and Get It de Ac Dc

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Letra de Come and Get It de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Picking up the sleaze in my car
Hell no distance too far
Burning down the road in the night
Don't you scold me or I'll bite

These are the finer things in life
Don't think you live in paradise
I've got my filly wrapped in red
Upon my double decker bed

If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it

Suckin' up the juice in the bar
Downin' every shooter so far
Checkin' out the girls what a sight
If you gonna blow me do it right

These are the finer things in life
Don't think you live in paradise
I've got my filly wrapped in red
Upon my double decker bed

If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it

Come and get it

If you want it come and get it
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
I said If you want it (come and get it)
If you want it (come and get it)
If you want it
If you want it
If you want it come and get it
Come and get it right here


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