Letra de Safe in New York City de Ac Dc

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Letra de Safe in New York City de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Hello baby gimme your hand
Check out the high spots the lay of the land
You don't need a rocket or a big limousine
Come on over baby and I'll make you obscene

I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City

All over the city and down to the dives
Don't mess with this place it'll eat you alive
Got lip smackin' honey to soak up the jam
On top of the world ma' ready to slam

I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City

Movin' all over like a jumpin' bean
Take a look at that thing in the tight ass jeans
Comin' your way now you may be in luck
Don't you fret boy she's ready to buck

I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City

I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
I feel safe in New York City
New York, New York, New York
I feel safe in a cage in New York City


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