Letra de The Honey Roll de Ac Dc

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Letra de The Honey Roll de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Honey roll over, and lettuce on top
Strap you to the bed, and make you rock
Run it up the flag, send it on home
Push you to the wall, and make you moan

She's mine, take what I want
Get what I need, don't take it all
[So] Don't you hide, gonna blow my mind
C'mon taste it honey cause she feel fine

She turn it on, Upside down
She turn me on, Inside out
She turn it on, all around
She turn me on, She turn it on

Baby bend over, touch your toes [Honey bend over]
She take over, the bomb explodes
A rockin' rollercoaster, flyin' off the top
Take you high diving, off the long drop
She's mine, take what I want
Get what I need, don't take it all
Don't you hide, Gonna blow my mind [I wanna blow my mind]
C'mon taste it honey cause she feel fine

She turn it on, Upside down
She turn me on, Inside out
She turn it on, all around
She turn me on, She turn it on

She turn me on
She's mine, take what I want
Get what I need, don't take it all
Don't you hide, gonna blow my mind
C'mon taste it honey, cause she feel fine
Oooh yeah

She turn it on, Upside down
She turn me on, Inside out
She turn it on, all around
She turn me on, She turn it on

She turn it on
She turn me on
She turn it on
She turn me on

She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
Yeah she keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on
She turn me on
On and on
She keep a turnin' me on
She keep a turnin' me on


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