Letra de Hard As A Rock de Ac Dc

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Letra de Hard As A Rock de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

A Rollin' rock, Electric shock
She gives a lickin' that doesn't stop [That don't stop]
She line 'em up, Push you 'round
Smokin' rings going round and round

Her hot potatoes
Will elevate you
Her bad behavior
Will leave you standing proud

hard as a rock [I'm hard as a rock]
Hard as a rock
Harder than a rock [Well it's harder than a rock]
Hard as a rock
Harder than a rock [Well it's harder than a rock]

The lightnin' rod, Strike it hot
Gonna hit you like a Rushmore rock [It's gonna hit you like a
Rushmore rock]
No nicotine, and no pipe dreams
So low and dirty it's darn right mean
Hell elevator
I'll see you later [Yeah, sooner or later]
no I ain't gonna take it
I'm busting out [Listen, I'm busting out]


Hard as a rock
Harder than a rock
Hard as a rock

I'm getting harder

harder than a rock
Well I'm harder than a rock
Hard as a rock
Baby I'm harder than a rock
Hard as a rock
Well it's harder than a rock
hard as a rock
Yeah it's harder than a rock
hard as a rock
well I'm harder than a rock
hard as a rock
yes I'm harder, harder, harder, harder than a rock.


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