Letra de Got You By The Balls de Ac Dc

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Letra de Got You By The Balls de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


1 Votos

Hey mister businessman
Head of the company
Are you looking for a lady
One who likes to please?
Hey mister businessman
This one likes to tease
With a special service
In French quantities
But she won't sacrifice
What you want tonight
She won't come across
Unless there's money in her hand
And she's calling all the shots

She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls

Hey mister businessman
High society
She can play the school girl
And spank you all you please
But she won't sacrifice
What you want tonight
She won't come across
Unless there's money in her hand
She don't go overtime

She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
(Kiss your balls goodbye)

Hang it left, hang it right,
Got you by the balls
Got your shorts, got your curlies
Got you - by the balls

She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
Yeah, yeah
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls
She got you by the balls


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