Letra de Are You Ready de Ac Dc

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Letra de Are You Ready de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


17 Votos

Are you ready
Are you ready
Are you ready
Are you ready

Sweet apple pie
Standing in the street
Hands outta line
Looking for some meat (heat?)
She take you high
When you feel her sting
She make you fly
And you know you're coming

Who all need it - who
Who all need it - you
Who all need it, who all need it (yes you do)
You all breathe it, we all need it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time

She making eyes
At everything she meet
ain't it a crime
When she make you pump heat
She make you fly
Because that's her thing
She make you dry
And you know you're broken in

Who all need it, who all need it
(yes you do)
You all breathe it, we all need it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time

Get with it

Who all need it, who all need it
You all breathe it, we all breathe it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready
Are you ready for a good time
I want a good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you, are you ready
Are you ready for a good time
Good, good, good, good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready, ready, ready

Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready for a good time


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