Letra de Meanstreak de Ac Dc

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Letra de Meanstreak de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

(Ooh yeah)
I've been to the left, I've been to the right
I've found myself in Abudhabi, just a mirage in the night
Been to the high, I've been to the low
And I've been to lots of places that I didn't wanna go
But I ain't see nothing to get me off my ass
And I laughed at all the jokers wanna make me walk on glass
I could walk 'fore I could crawl
And I was meaner than a bad dog with his back against the wall

Animal, animal
Cannibal, cannibal
See 'em fall, see 'em fall
I'm the guy that they call -

Meanstreak, I gotta meanstreak
Meanstreak, they call me meanstreak

I just don't know who I wanna be
The count of Monte Cristo or the sheik of Arabia
Eaten rich, and I've eaten free
And I'm the perfect culture vulture in the face of poverty
And I ain't met no one who told me I got class
They say never feed the animal, the boy's got too much flash
I'm a guy they just can't teach
And I always kick the castle that's been built up on the beach (heh ha)

Animal, animal
Cannibal, cannibal
See 'em fall, see 'em fall
Cause I'm the guy that they call -

What's your name?


I got a meanstreak
Ooh I got a meanstreak
Ooh I got a meanstreak
Wanna feel a meanstreak?
They call me meanstreak
All the children say meanstreak

What's my name?



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