Letra de Heatseeker de Ac Dc

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Letra de Heatseeker de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


1 Votos

(Oooh, we're gettin' ready
Here we go
I'm ready

Getting ready to rock
Getting ready to roll
I'm gonna turn up the heat
I'm gonna fire up the coal
I gotta keep that motor turning
I gotta keep that engine clean
I gotta keep those tires burning
I've got the best you've ever seen

And I'm a heatseeker charging up the sky
And I'm a heatseeker, and I, I don't need no life preserver
I don't need no one to hose me down
To hose me down

Getting ready to break
Getting ready to go
Get your shoes off and shake
Get your head down and blow
You gotta keep that woman firing
You gotta keep that serpent clean
You gotta make her sound the siren
You gotta hear that lady scream

Cause I'm a heatseeker, burning up the town
And I'm a heatseeker, I don't, I don't need no life preserver
I don't need no one to hose me down
Don't hose me down

(Aw yeah, here ya go, yow! Ready? Heatseeker!)

I wanna see you get up
And see the whites of your eyes
And I'm a heatseeker, heatseeker, yeah!
I'm gonna measure you up
I'm gonna try you for size
And I'm a heatseeker
Gotta keep that motor turning
You gotta keep that engine clean
You gotta keep those tires burning
I've got the best you've ever seen

And I'm a heatseeker, and I don't need no life preserver
I don't need no one to hose me down, woah
I'm a heatseeker
And I'm a heatseeker

Out on the street feel the heat


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