Letra de Who Made Who de Ac Dc

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Letra de Who Made Who de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

The video game says "Play me"
Face it on a level but it takes you every time on a one on one
Feeling running down your spine
Nothing gonna save your one last dime cause it owns you
Through and through

The databank knows my number
Says I gotta pay cause I made the grade last year
Feel it when I turn the screw
Kicks you round the world, there ain't a thing that it can't do
Do to you

Who made who, who made you?
Who made who, ain't nobody told you?
Who made who, who made you?
If you made them and they made you
Who picked up the bill, and who made who? (or who picked up the clue...)(?)

Who made who, who turned the screw?

Satellites send me picture
Get it in the eye,
take it to the world (take it to the wire)
spinning like a dynamo
Feel it going round and round
Running out of chips, you got no line in an 8-bit town
So don't look down, no


Ain't nobody told you, who made who?


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