Letra de Danger de Ac Dc

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Letra de Danger de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Don't talk to strangers
Keep away from the danger
Don't talk to strangers who smile
Keep away from the danger all the time
You just keep away

Red lights are flashin'
There's been a misunderstandin'
I'm bruised, broke an' bandaged
Through drinkin' all that brandy
I was under the table
But I came back for more
Gotta hit the bottle
But my head hit the floor

Danger - danger, don't talk to strangers
Stranger - danger, don't you talk
Danger - danger, don't talk to strangers
Danger - danger, don't talk keep away

Red lights still flashin'
People all still dancin' in my head
I've done with thinkin' about what to do
Another night of drinkin', just one before I'm through
I was just raisin' hell
I wasn't doin' no harm
The cops could not appreciate
My natural charm


(Don't talk to strangers)


Don't you go talkin' to no strangers in this town


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