Letra de Deep In The Hole de Ac Dc

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Letra de Deep In The Hole de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

I've been enchained
She got shackles on me
That woman to blame
For the hell and misery
Can't find my way outta here
Shoot me down in a burnin' fear
Goin' down for a stretch of years
Way down below

I'm deep in, deep in, deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in, deep in the hole
I'm down in, down in, down in the hole
Well I'm deep in, deep in
That woman got me deep in the hole

I'm sinking down
She got me down on the floor
Can't touch both walls
The further down I go
Pulls the strings on my violin bow
Makes me sing when she fire my load
Ain't no slave, you do what you're told
You sold your soul


I'm deep in, deep in, deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in, deep in the hole
I'm down in, down in, down in the hole
I'm down in, down in, down in the hole
Deep in the hole, firing your load
Deep in the hole, sell your soul
Deep in, deep in, deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in
That woman got me deep in the hole
Deep in the hole, down in the hole, I'm deep in the hole


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