Letra de Let's Get It Up de Ac Dc

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Letra de Let's Get It Up de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Loose lips sink ships
So come aboard for a pleasure trip
It's high tide so let's ride
The moon is risin' and so am I
I'm gonna get it up
Never gonna let it up
Cruisin' on the seven seas
A pirate of my lovin' needs
I'll never go down
Never go down
So let's get it up
Let's get it up, get it right on
Let's get it up, right to the top
Let's get it up, right now

Loose wires cause fires
Gettin' tangled in my desires, so
Screw 'em up and plug 'em in
Then switch it on and start all over again
I'm gonna get it up
Never gonna let it up, no
Tickin' like a time bomb, oh yeah
Blowin' out the fuse box
I'll never go down
Never go down, so
Let's get it up, let's get it up, get it up
Let's get it up, right up to the top
Let's get it up, right now
Get it up, c'mon ang

Let's get it up, c'mon let's get it up
Let's get it up, switch it on start it
Let's get it up,
Let's get it up, let's get it up
Let's get it up, let's get it up
Get it up, get it up, get it up
Right up


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