Letra de Shake A Leg de Ac Dc

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Letra de Shake A Leg de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Idle juvenile on the street, on the street
Who is kicking everything with his feet, with his feet
Fighting on the wrong side of the law, of the law
Don't kick, don't fight, don't sleep at night
It's shake a leg, shake a leg, shake a leg, shake it yeah

Keeping out of trouble with eyes in the back of my face
Kicking ass in the class and they tell me you're a damn disgrace
They tell me what they think but they stink and I really don't care
Got a mind of my own, move on, get out of my hair

Shake a leg, shake your head
Shake a leg, wake the dead
Shake a leg, get stuck in
Shake a leg, shake a leg


Magazines, wet dreams, dirty women on machines for me
Big licks, skin flicks, trickey dick's are my chemistry
Goin' against the grain, trying to keep me sane with you
So stop your grinnin' and drop your linen for me


Shake it
Come on yeah, ow

Idle juvenile on the street, on the street
Kicking everything with his feet, with his feet
Fighting on the wrong side of the law, of the law
Spitting and biten' and kicking and fightin' for more

Shake a leg, shake your head
Shake a leg, wake the dead
Shake a leg, get stuck in
Shake a leg, play to win


Shake it
Oh yeah


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