Letra de If You Want Blood(You've Got It) de Ac Dc

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Letra de If You Want Blood(You've Got It) de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

It's criminal
There ought to be a law
There ought to be a whole lot more
You get nothing for nothing
Tell me who can you trust
We got what you want
And you got the lust

If you want blood, you got it
If you want blood, you got it
Blood on the streets
Blood on the rocks
Blood in the gutter
Every last drop
You want blood, you got it

It's animal
Livin' in a human zoo
The shit that they toss to you
Feeling like a Christian
Locked in a cage
Thrown to the lions
On a second's rage


Blood on the rocks
Blood on the streets
Blood in the sky
Blood on the sheets
If you want blood - you got it

(I want you to bleed for me)

If you want blood, you got it...


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