Letra de Live Wire de Ac Dc

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Letra de Live Wire de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Well if you're lookin' for trouble
I'm the man to see
If you're lookin' for satisfaction
I'm satisfaction guaranteed
I'm as cool as a body on ice
Or hotter than a rollin' dice
Send you to heaven
Take you to hell
I ain't foolin'
Can't you tell
I'm a live wire
Gonna set this town on fire
Well if you need some lovin'
And if you need some man
You've got the phone and the number
And I got no future plans
Oh come on honey you got nothin' to lose
You got the thirst 'n I got the booze
Give you an inch
Take you a mile
I wanna make you fry
I'm a live wire
Holy smoke and sweet desire

Cooler than a body on ice
Hotter than a rollin' dice
Wilder than a drunken fight
You're gonna burn tonight


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