Letra de Rock 'n' Roll Singer de Ac Dc

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Letra de Rock 'n' Roll Singer de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

My Daddy was workin' nine to five
When my Momma was havin' me
By the time I was half alive
They knew what I was gonna be
I left school and grew my hair
They didn't understand
They wanted me to be respected as
A doctor or a lawyer man
(But I had other plans)
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star

Well I worked real hard and bought myself
A rock 'n' roll guitar
I gotta be on top some day
I wanna be a star
I can see my name in lights
And I can see the queue
I got the devil in my blood
Tellin' me what to do
(And I'm all ears)
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
(I hear it pays well)
You can stick your nine to five livin'
And your collar and your tie
And stick your moral standards
'Cause it's all a dirty lie
You can stick your golden handshake
And you can stick your silly rules
And all the other shit
That they teach to kids in school
('Cause I ain't no fool)
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
Yes I are!


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