Letra de Hand That Rocks The Cradle de UB40

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Letra de Hand That Rocks The Cradle de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Holidays are comin'
The kids are getting fat
Put another penny in the corporation hat
There's computer consolation now
For every boy and girl
Coz the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world

Sony in the nursery, no need to turn the page
The cartoon generation are soon to come of age
Virtual relationships untouched by human hands
Laying their foundation in the ever shifting sand

If politics is just for fools, equality a dream
Then you'd better wear protection so you never hear them scream

Animated babysitters always there to play
Will keep the undesirables a million miles away
Everything is changing but the song remains the same
Asylum has been locked away, the seekers has been framed


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