Letra de If You Wore That Velvet Dress de U2

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Letra de If You Wore That Velvet Dress de U2

Escrito por Napo
Lunes, 11 Diciembre 2006


0 Votos

Tonight the moon is playing tricks again
Feeling sea sick again
And the whole world could just dissolve... into a glass of water

I've been good 'cause I know you don't want me to
Do you really want me to be blue as you
It's her daylight that gets me through

We've been here before... last time you scratched at my door
The moon was naked and cold I was like a two year old
Who just wanted more
If you wear that velvet dress
If you wear that velvet dress

Tonight the moon has drawn its curtains
It's a private show no one else is going to know
I'm wanting

Sunlight sunlight fills my room
It's sharp and it's clear
But nothing at all like the moon

It's okay the struggle for things not to say
I never listened to you anyway
And I got my own hands to pray...

But if you wear that velvet dress
But if you wear that velvet dress

Tonight the moon is a mirrorball
Light flickers from across the hall
Who'll catch the star when it falls

If you wear that velvet dress


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