Letra de "You Got a Killer Scene There, Man..." de Queens of the Stone Age

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Letra de "You Got a Killer Scene There, Man..." de Queens of the Stone Age

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 15 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

I don't mean to make obscene
But even the mob, know what the hell i mean
The knot is tight, on my blindfold
I got my flesh full of blood, i hate rock n roll
Some think too much, then come too soon
I just curse the sun, so i can howl at the moon

Don't wanna love you no more
Don't wanna love you less
I wanna be crushed by your sweet caress
What's the fuckin' difference, we all gonna die
You gonna do something killer?
C'mon give it a try

Got no good plans but a good idea
Let's put this town in my rearview mirror
Yeah, i got enemies, but they don't know
They won't get no glory on that side of the hole

Were are united, by drifting alone
This is the army of none, got no flag, got no home
Just witches & scabs, an awful mess, i confess...
Let's do it again.


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