Letra de Bring It On Down de Oasis

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Letra de Bring It On Down de Oasis

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Today was just a blur, you gotta head like a ghost train
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?

You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast

You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping your life from the soul of my shoe tonight.

Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath

You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast

You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping your life from the soul of my shoe tonight


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