Letra de Nothing New de Ashlee Simpson

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Letra de Nothing New de Ashlee Simpson

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

I found myself wrong again
Starin out my window
Wonderin what it is I should have said
I found myself at home again
Waitin for the after call
From a fallout that feels like such a mess

Ohhhh I can only be myself
I'm sorry that's hell for you
Heyyy so what's my damage today
Don't let me get in your way
Let it out like you always do
The trouble between me and you
Is nothing new

So I listen to you complain and then
I bite my tongue in vain again
As I let it all just slowly settle in
Such a pretty picture that you paint
I'm so vile while your a saint
Funny how your eyes see thick not thin

Ohhhh I can only be myself
Your lookin for someone else
Heyyy so what's my damage today
Don't let me get in your way
Let it out like you always do
The trouble between me and you
Is nothing new

You know how to give it but you can't take it
It's all just a waste now you can save it
No matter what I do
Is never good enough, never good enough

Heyyy so what's my damage today
Don't let me get in your way
Let it out like you always do
The trouble between me and you
Is nothing new
Is nothing new

Save your breath cause here comes the truth
I'm over the drama of you
And that's something new

Well I'm starin' out my window
Wonderin' what it is I should have, said


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