Letra de Halo Of Flies de Alice Cooper

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Letra de Halo Of Flies de Alice Cooper

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


1 Votos

I got the answers to all of your questions if you've got the money to pay me in gold
I will be living in old Monte Carlo and you will be reading the secrets of soul
Daggers and contacts and bright shiny limos I've got a watch that turns into a lifeboat
Glimmering nightgowns poisonous as cobras silencer under the heel of my shoe
The elegance of China they sent her to lie here on her back
But as she deeply moves me she'd rather shoot me in my tracks
And while a middle Asian lady she really came as no surprise
But I still did destroy her and I will smash halo of flies
I crossed the ocean where no one could see and I put a time bomb in your submarine
Goodbye to old friends the secret's in hand with full need of papers and counterfeit plans
You never will understand


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