Letra de An Emotion Away de Alanis Morissette

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Letra de An Emotion Away de Alanis Morissette

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

I had high expectations
It's something I could not compromise
And when I saw you I wasn't ready
It completely took my heart by surprise

Who...And when I think of the time I med you
The situation looked harmless
It wasn't long before I got confused enough
And soon I realized that your...

Love is just an emotion away
I know it's gonna get to you
Love will be only a moment away
A moment away you know it's true

Lately the way I'm feeling
It's something I could never have planned
I knew that one day I'd find a love thing
Now I'll never stop believing in chance

I put my heart on a shelf forever
I never thought I would find you
I didn't know any better baby
But then I realized that your...


Love is crazy love love is crazy and soon you're gonna get some


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