Letra de St. John de Aerosmith

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Letra de St. John de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Come on boy, the tape is rollin')
(One, two, one two, two two two)

John was bad
He gave it everything he had
John he prayed
For all the people ever made
John was cool
He never did no after school

Late at night when he praised the Lord
He laid his hands down upon the bloody sword

John, St John be cool
Tell the people
They follow you
They follow you

But every night when he praised the Lord
he laid his hands down upon the bloody sword

Lay down upon the sword
Lay down upon the sword
Lay down upon the sword
Lay down your bloody sword

John, St John be cool
Tell the people
They follow you
John, St John be cool
Tell the people
They follow you

late at night when he praised the Lord
He lay his hands down upon the bloody sword
Laid down upon the sword
Down, down upon the sword
Laid down upon the sword
gettin' down upon the sword
Laid down upon the sword
Laid it down upon the sword
Laid down upon the sword
Late night TV roared


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