Letra de Sight for Sore Eyes de Aerosmith

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Letra de Sight for Sore Eyes de Aerosmith

Escrito por rguntin
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Goin' downtown, goin' down, goin' down
'Neath the city, eatin' ground round
Underground is pretty gritty
I turned the screw she held the light
That's when I knew she was a

Sight For Sore Eyes
She was a Sight For Sore Eyes

Playin' no fair, sleepin' under stairs
Downtown's a pity, takin' fair square
Under where it's pretty gritty
I turned the screw, she held the knife

Oh, holy Jesus, she's a Sight For Sore Eyes
Sight For Sore Eyes
She's a nitty grutty

Turnin' in style, walk a mile for your titty
Naked foul while under there
Under where it's pretty gritty
Hey, don't you know people
She's a love lust hussy
She left, oh she rust me
Dear old girl
She was a Sight For Sore Eyes
But she was sittin' pretty
A Sight For Sore Eyes
She was a nitty gritty
Sight For Sore Eyes

Peeled back and parted
Even at the start it was delight or demise
I feel like a leopard king
Sight For Sore Eyes
She was a Sight For Sore Eyes


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