Letra de Fly On The Wall de Ac Dc

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Letra de Fly On The Wall de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

You can dance through the night
Rock 'n' roll music [itchin' to fight]
Makin' love drunk or stoned
Lookin' for dollars, get broken-boned
It's a game too tough to tame
Ends up the same, sweatin' out rain

I was trapped like a fly on the wall
I was caged like a zoo animal
No escape from the fate that you make
You're a snake, I've had all I can take
Watch out, there's a fly on the wall

Take a chance, take a bite
Rock roll devil take me tonight
Like a bitch makin' heat
Beatin' on my chest, lickin' at my feet
It's a game too tough to tame
Ending up the same, sweatin' in the rain
So watch out there's a fly on the wall

REPEAT CHORUS (dos veces)


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