Letra de Little Lover de Ac Dc

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Letra de Little Lover de Ac Dc

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 30 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Saw you in the front row
Movin' to the beat
(Just movin' and groovin')
Killed me when I saw
The wet patch on your seat
(Wasn't Coca Cola)
Ooo baby
I hope you liked the show
When the band said good night
I had to say hello
Little lover, I can't get you off my mind
Little lover, I've tried hard to find
Someone like you
Ooo baby you sure looked sweet
A leg either side of my motorcycle seat
Could've bin a nightmar
Could've bin a dream
But on the way home, baby
I thought I heard you scream
Little lover, I can't get you off my mind
Little Lover, I've been trying hard to find
someone to give me the things that I need, ow!
You had my picture on your bedroom wall
(Next to Gary Glitter)
I was standin' on the stage playing rock & roll
(I was a guitar picker)
Never had a record
Never had a hit
Ooo baby
You didn't mind a bit
Baby I know you're a
Little lover


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